Movement Connections WITH Megan Quinn

Life is a creative process. 
And you don't need to do it alone.

You have your own answers. But the tools you use to find them matters. And you don't need to do it alone. 

When we can touch into a sense of flow with our creativity, there is often a next right step, a knowing, an aliveness.

Your instincts know what to do.

You have a unique individual way of expressing yourself and your work in the world.

There is so much to be learned in what is true right now, before we seek to change it. 

This is an embodied task. 

What is possible if you follow instinct without needing to know what will come of it?  

The wisdom of bodies is inherently creative. 

What is lost when we try to control our outcomes? 

The wisdom of bodies is often more mythic and poetic than it is linear and direct.

Life coaching and goal-setting programs can often be focused on product over process, and on a type of knowing that is logical, linear, and easily articulate. There is a place for this type of knowing and working. And yet. 

“I hope that you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work these stories from your life - your life - not someone else’s life - water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom. that is the work. the only work.” 

-Dr Clarissa Pinkolas Estes, Women Who Run With the Wolves

About This Offering

This is a 1:1 container for you to cultivate connection with your creative, somatic, instinctual self, and to look at a situation or part of yourself with a felt sense of mystery and magic. 

My approach invites us to hold complexity, to see underlying patterns and systems. We work on cultivating the felt sense, connecting to an embodied trust that prioritizes instinct and braving the unknown instead of pushing past it. 

 I have spent years cultivating a relationship to process in life, art, and career that meets my emotional and spiritual yearnings. Part of that cultivation is inherently learning to hold space and encourage the same in others. 

This offering is designed to leverage my experience and perspective in order to support your process of self-expression by asking the right questions, reflecting back creative impulses, and offering containers to listen to your inner voice. 
Processes ideal for this offer include artists in development, solopreneurs just starting out, new habits being formed, searching for passion, and wanting a fresh approach to a particular situation. 

This is about not doing it alone. It’s about someone else tracking your desires and vision with you - and reflecting back when you’ve got it. 

I believe that you have your answers.
 I am here to hold the questions with you.

I chose early on in my adult life to follow a creative independent track rather than the ones laid out for me. It has meant I've had to find creative approaches to understanding my sense of alignment, progress, and success.

 I spent years trying to create systems and routines and rules for managing my creative work and self-development. Nothing ever seemed to stick. I often landed in deeper shame and disappointment and insecurity than I had started with. 

During my graduate degree in Transformative Leadership, I worked with Alfonso Montouri who studies how creativity is suppressed in authoritarian regimes. Creativity is inherently powerful. When we practice connection to ourselves, we are less susceptible to being controlled. By ourselves or by someone else. 

When I gave myself full permission to prioritize my creative nature, not just in making art but in the ways I organized my world, something surprising happened. My instincts knew what was needed. My commitments flourished. I was more consistent than I had been when I was trying to establish rules. And I liked myself more. Instead of feeling 'better', I was able to feel more and to trust my experience as information and source for aligned living.

After graduating from my MA in Transformative Leadership with a focus in creativity and somatics, I started offering these sessions to support others looking for this kind of support.

My Experience

 Creativity is an antidote to perfectionism & disconnection

-BA in dance with a focus on choreography/creative process. Over ten years in performing arts projects and collaborative creative research.
-MA in Transformative Leadership with a focus in Creativity and Somatics 
-A decade sitting in and facilitating women's circles through Woman Within International 
-Completion of Original Voice training with Dr Clarissa Pinkolas Estes 
-Completion of Foundations in Embodied Ancestral Inquiry through Wildbody Somatics. 

Relevant credentials

I have supported folks through: 
- welcoming a new season of life (endings and beginnings in careers and creative projects, new family members, moving to a new home, exploring newly articulating identities, & other transition points) 
- tending to and prioritizing a creative process/project (writing a book, making art, following a curiosity, etc) 
- articulating and moving towards dreams and desires 
While this work is both trauma and leadership informed it is not therapy or career coaching. 

This is for you if...

The Details

-guiding questions
-invitations to draw out maps of the situation/project
-affirmative reflections and systemic analysis - looking together at who you come from and how you learned what you learned 
-archetypal frameworks and education 
-somatic rituals and embodiment skills

Sessions include: 

*a note on scope: somatic and self reflection tools can be deeply healing. This work is trauma-informed but is not a substitute for therapy or trauma resolution work and is best done after or alongside medically accredited counseling.

-In person in West Philly at Everybody Movement and Wellness

-On Zoom

-In your space (please reach out to discuss details)


*sliding scale pricing allows me to sustain my business and livelihood while accommodating differentials in economic positions. I invite you to chose an amount that feels both respectful and do-able to you. To learn more about these models or your relationship to them click here

Financial exchange:

Sessions are 55 minutes
Sliding Scale / Choose Your Own Rate*
$75 - $100

book a session or call

"I have worked with Megan Quinn for the past 7-8 years and can honestly say she is a marvel. During this time, she has built a personal well-being regimen that serves my specific needs and my creative/visual insights. We work both online and in person. She never ceases to amaze me when it comes to problem solving, working through issues concerning limitations along with expectations and demands. Aside from her professional attributes, Megan is perhaps one of the kindest, thoughtful, empathetic individuals I know."

"This work feels like a fractal. There’s always more to be seen. It’s like a kaleidoscope; you keep seeing something new." 

"Megan’s artistic support throughout my creative process has been nothing short of glorious. she is intuitive, warm, compassionate, and incredibly skilled in the art of locating your deepest desires for yourself and materializing them. her ability to hear my fears and defenses, and gently ease the door open to an inner world of creativity and possibility has truly changed my life. to say i’m grateful is an absurd understatement." 

kind words from clients