As we drop deeper into autumn…
The nights grow longer
Our energy wanes
The trees perform release and death and return-to-core with so much majesty.
Like water, we pour back towards earth.
Soon the wheel turns.
What will the bones of winter bring?
What seeds will be planted?
Winter is the time for staying underground, for composting, for digging up bones.
What if your movement practice is a chance to connect deeply with yourself, moving with your experience and your desires?
Embodying self-commitment is saying there’s something I want here, a desire making itself known. You can get in relationship to it, to understand what patterns are currently moving in you that both support and resist that desire, to understand it in context with the world you live in.
If we follow the cycle of transformation, not to change ourselves but to drop deeper into who we are, we can pattern our commitments in our bones and muscles – interweaving commitment with movement practice.
What if your commitment is a gesture, a series of gestures, a something you are making your body into by committing to it every day this year?
We emerge towards spring with a fresh approach and embodied commitments – a gesture to carry forward.